Helping Guide Bengal Cat Owners

From Persian to Maine Coon: 10 Fluffiest Cat Breeds That Will Warm Your Heart

Feeling your cat’s fur on your skin is so soft. Make it fluffier and you have a ball of cloud walking on all four, so we compiled the top 10 fluffiest cat breeds perfect for cuddling!

What Are the Fluffiest Cat Breeds?

1. Persian

This breed goes as far back as the 16th century and probably even older! They carry short but strong legs with a flat face and round eyes to show their sweet and gentle nature.

The Persian has a long and fluffy coat that includes a wide range of colors, including blue, cream, tabby, black, white, and red. Because of their thick coat, they shed a lot and require daily grooming, particularly under the eyes to avoid the buildup of dried rheum (eye booger).

2. Maine Coon

This breed is one of the oldest felines in North America from the state of Maine, considered a crossbreed among domestic cats and raccoons (silly but cute!). Standing on sturdy legs with a handsome tuft of fur on its chest, this large cat is laidback, friendly, and can be goofy.

Sporting a heavy and shaggy coat, Maine Coons has many coat colors that can be solid, partially colored, or multi-colored. Surprisingly, they aren’t heavy shedders. They require at least brushing once a week.

3. Munchkin

Munchkins are a result of a genetic mutation discovered in the early 1900s but only recognized in 1983 by a music teacher from Louisiana. These short-legged felines are fun-loving, sociable, and affectionate.

It has a plush coat that can be grown long or short and includes a variety of looks such as solid colors, bicolor, calico, or tortoiseshell. Because of their short legs, they’d need help reaching areas they cannot groom with their tongue.

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4. Ragamuffin

This cat is a result of crossbreeding the Himalayans, Persians, and longhaired domestic cats to produce a good variety of coat colors, patterns, and a diverse genetic pool. They are medium-sized cats with various looks, quick to learn tricks, and can fit in with different owners.

Ragamuffins have a thick and fluffy coat that requires brushing once or twice a week to remove tangling. Due to their trusting nature, they should always be kept indoors or risk following the wrong people.

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5. Birman

Birman, or the “Sacred Cat of Burma”, is speculated to be from Burma but it was initially recognized by Cat Club de France in the early 1900s then introduced to other places. Distinguishable by the color points on its face and other parts of its body, the Birman is a quiet, loving, friendly, and docile breed.

Their color-point fur can be medium to long and has a silky texture that is easy to groom. Birmans shed moderately and are happier with a companion than being an only pet.

6. Siberian

Originating from Russia, Siberian cats are medium-sized with a triple coat to protect them against the harsh winters. They are affectionate, intelligent, and playful cats that can co-inhabit well with kids and other pets.

The downside to owning one is that Siberian cats shed their winter coat during the warmer seasons, and the fur could get everywhere on you. You will fall in love with the Siberian cat’s whisps of hair around its face and huggable size.

7. Himalayan

This breed is a result of crossbreeding the Siamese and the Persian to achieve the former’s color-point fur and the latter’s long hair. The Himalayan cat has a stocky build with a laidback personality and a melodious meow.

They have a thick coat but fine fur with a range of point coloring over a white or cream coat. To maintain the Himalayan’s beautiful hair, they must be brushed daily.

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8. Cymric

The Cymric is also regarded as a long-haired Manx. Their origin is unknown. Its name means “pertaining to Wales”. This breed was allegedly a result of genetic mutation among Manx cats.

The Cymric is easily distinguished by its lack of tail and rounded features. They sport a dense, double coat that grows on medium length but longer on other areas of the body. A few times a week, they need to be brushed to distribute the oil pooling on the base of the fur.

9. Selkirk Rex

This fluffy breed can be traced back to a kitten born in an animal shelter in Montana in 1987. Its unique curly coat attracted a Persian cat breeder to adopt it and further its line. The Selkirk Rex has a solid build hidden under curly locks of fur, a laidback, friendly, and gentle feline.

This breed flaunts a thick, soft coat with any possible color and pattern in a cat. Because of its fur type, it requires daily grooming to keep the curls luxurious and tangle-free.

10. Norwegian Forest Cat

An enchanting name for an enchanting cat, assumed to exist a thousand years ago in the Viking age. They are large felines with wideset, almond-shaped eyes and triangular heads. This breed can adapt to any environment and are fairly interactive but independent and loyal.

The Norwegian Forest Cat has a dense undercoat, long fur, and a bushy tail and mane around its neck. Thorough brushing is needed to maintain its gorgeous appearance. The shedding is moderate.

Did you find your favorite among these fluffiest cat breeds? If you’re allergic to cats, you might want to look at the Bengal cat breed!

Read: Why Are Cats Not Always Landing on Their Feet?

How Do I Buy or Adopt?

Visit credited cat websites like The International Cat Association and search for your desired breed. A list of breeders will be shown near your area.

Look for cat shows and attend the event to meet the breeder you’re looking for. You may also contact a cat shelter or your veterinarian to ask for suggestions about buying or adopting a cat of a particular breed so you can start on the right foot.

How Do I Find a Reputable Breeder?

To make sure you’re buying a healthy and happy cat, take the time to research the breeder’s affiliation with a cat association to ensure the person is registered and abides by the association’s ethical standards.

You can ask your veterinarian for a recommendation or look for a breeder on the cat association’s website, such as TICA Breeder Listings. Get in contact with the breeder and request to visit and interact with the cats.

Always ask about the cat’s pedigree, health, and if they perform tests to screen for genetic diseases. Be warned not to buy kittens online as anything can be fabricated on screen.


Touching a cat’s soft fur is as close as we can to feeling an angel’s wings. The fluffier the cat, the cuddlier they are. We hope you found a favorite among our 10 fluffiest cat breeds!

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