My bengal claws grow quickly! Even though I love my nails long and razor sharp, my mom trims them every two weeks. My sister Cheddar isn’t very good at getting her nails trimmed so she has a different process than I do. I like to think I’m the good one, mostly because I am. One of the two processes below should help you to trim your cat’s nails.
Method One: How my mom trims my nails by Dukey, who IS an easy cat.
How my mom trims my nails by Dukey. Even though I don’t like getting my nails trimmed, I put up with it just fine. If your Bengal cat is easy and puts up with anything like me, this technique should work.
Step One: Get Rid Of Excess Energy
Play with me with a feather wand, or a DaBird, or my favorite toy, the Cat Catcher until I am tired out. Clipping my nails when I am full of energy and ready to play is really hard on both of us.
Step Two: Fill The Tummy
Feed me wet food. When I feel full, happy, and sleepy I am most agreeable to being groomed.
Step Three: Clip One Paw At A Time
Put me on your lap. Using a fresh pair of pet nail clippers sanitized with rubbing alcohol, gently press each claw so the nail extends. Look for the pink in the middle of the nail and carefully clip the white tip making sure you stay clear of the pink area. Continue on until each claw is clipped.
Step four: Clean Up.
Sweep up my clippings. It takes my mom about five to six minutes to clip and sweep.
Method Two: How my mom trims my nails by Cheddar, who is NOT an easy cat.
I hate getting my nails trimmed. I wiggle, claw, howl and try to get away. I have to be put into a cat medicine/grooming bag to have it done. If you can’t clip your Bengal’s nails with this technique, you should try professional grooming or having my nails clipped by a veterinarian. Even though I have to be bagged, I find having my mom do my nails at home less traumatic than the vet or groomer. If your Bengal cat is scared like me, this technique should work and I don’t hold a grudge after it is over.
Step One: Get Rid Of Excess Energy
Play with me with a feather wand ,or DaBird, or my favorite, the Cat Catcher until I am tired out. Clipping my nails when I am full of energy and ready to play is really hard on both of us.
Step Two: Fill The Tummy
Feed me wet food. When I feel full, happy, and sleepy I am most agreeable to being groomed.
Step Three: Cat In A Bag
Put me in a cat grooming bag. Secure the velcro neck strap first because I don’t like it, I usually curl up in a ball making it easy to slip around the rest of my body and zip up. If you take me to the groomers, they will use a grooming bag to clip my nails. I will get used to it and it will immobilize me keeping us both safe. You can also use it to give me medicine.
Step Four: One Paw At A Time
Unzip one of the arm holes and extract a paw. Using a fresh pair of pet nail clippers sanitized by rubbing alcohol, gently press each claw so the nail extends. Look for the pink in the middle of the nail and carefully clip the white tip making sure you stay clear of the pink area. Continue on until each claw is clipped.
Step Five: Put The Paw Back To Prevent Being Clawed
After you finish with one paw, gently reinsert it into the bag and rezip the appropriate arm hole. Do the same procedure have all four paws done.
Step Six: Cat Out Of The Bag
Release me from the bag by opening the velcro neck strap and unzipping the zipper that runs the length of the bag. Sweep up my clippings. It takes my mom about fifteen minutes to bag, clip and sweep. She goes slow during the clipping and speaks to me soothingly during the whole process.
Tools Of The Trade:
- Pet nail clippers. My Mom has a special pair made just for cats. She likes a pair that has a good grip so that she doesn’t slip while clipping my nails. Cats nails are round and so they can be crushed by regular human nail clippers. Get the Safari® Professional Stainless Steel Nail Trimmer Here
- Caturey powder like kwik-stop. Even though our mom has never hit the pink area causing us to bleed when trimming our nails, she always keeps it handy in case she needs to stop the bleeding. Get The Professional Groomer’s Styptic Powder for Pets Here
- Nylon cat grooming bag. Not only is it good for grooming, she uses it to help us to hold still when we have to take medicine that cannot be put in wet food, for example, pills. It should be bag the cat and then pill the cat. Get Your Pet Cat Grooming Bag Here