Cats meow to ask for basic needs. These cats are easier to deal with, but for the ones that meow excessively, it interrupts our sleep and focus. Is it possible to train and discipline your cat for meowing?
Don’t pay attention while your cat is meowing loudly, only when it falls quiet should you respond to what it needs.
In this article, we will explain the reasons your cat is being vocal, what you can do about it, and how to discipline your cat to reduce the meowing.
How to Discipline My Cat When It Meows Too Much?
During the day, ensure that your cat is getting everything it needs. When the meowing persists, VCAHospitals that ignoring the sounds is the best solution. You may reward your cat with food and toys when it quiets down.

Responding to the cries is rewarding the behavior. In effect, your cat will keep meowing until it gets your attention.
For other options, consider spaying or neutering and adopting another kitten into the house. The latter does require just as much if not a lot of work when it comes to introducing a new member to your cat.
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Why Is My Cat Meowing a Lot?
- Asking for food. Your cat loves to make sure you know that it’s feeding time. It may also ask for more. If this bothers you, set up a feeding schedule and don’t miss out on it. Only set down the food when your cat doesn’t meow.
- Doesn’t like a dirty litter box. Make sure to scoop out the dirty bits or your cat might do it elsewhere.
- You gave them something new and they want it again. You could have let your cat taste a new food or stroked them in a particular spot, and now your cat wants another taste of it.
- Seeking your attention. Cats are independent and sometimes distant but you’d be surprised that they also crave for our attention. Provide it through petting, cuddling, grooming, or 30 minutes of playtime.
- Feeling lonely. For busy owners who are away most of the day, our felines tend to get lonely when there isn’t much inside the house to be entertained by. Set up a cat window, a scratching post, or chew toys to keep your cat busy. A cat sitter can also help with what your cat is missing out while you’re out for work.
- Is stressed by changes. If your cat wasn’t vocal before and suddenly became a talker after an event occurred, your cat is telling you that the changes that have happened recently are stressful. This also happens when your cat is growing old.
- Calling to mate. Male and female cats yowl loudly when they want to breed. You probably heard this noise from stray cats or your neighbor’s pets and it’s very loud.
- Feeling sick. Pets WebMD explains that excessive vocalization may point to overactive thyroid or kidney disease. Keep up to date with your vet appointment to spot early signs of health problems.
- It’s inherent in the breed. Some cats love to talk and they also produce unique sounds. Certain breeds such as Bengals, Burmese cats, and Sphynx cats are very vocal.

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What Does My Cat’s Meows Mean?
Kittens meow for their mothers but when they grow older, they learn to meow for you but not for other cats. There are different types of meows that most cats use to communicate with us:
- Soft meows. It’s a way of greeting you!
- Loud and intense meow. Very urgent and your cat wants your help with something it got entangled with.
- Short and quick meows. Your cat wants food or perhaps something else.
- Chirping and chattering. This sound indicates excitement at what your cat is seeing and doing.
- Murmuring. This sound is an expression of satisfaction.
- Yowling. Your cat is upset, frightened, or looking to mate.

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How to Train My Cat to Stop Meowing for Food?
Understandably, cats meow to tell us they’re hungry. Stick to your cat’s feeding schedule. If it’s around mealtime and your cat starts meowing, don’t be tempted to respond to the sound. You can choose to ignore it or go to another room until your cat quiets down, then you may set down the food bowl.
Have you considered switching to an automatic feeder? Instead of bothering you, your cat will direct its attention to the item. There are several styles to choose from depending on your budget and preferred aesthetic!
How to Stop My Cat From Meowing at Night?
It drives one crazy to hear those meowing cries at night! You can’t be bothered to check up on your cat during these dark hours. Spend 30 minutes of your time playing with your cat before bed or during the day to deplete its energy.
Set up an interactive toy in the area that your cat frequents so it keeps itself busy with something else aside from interrupting a good sleep. For cats that beg to be let into the room, introduce a new place to sleep in such as its own cat bed in a separate area.
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Why Is My Cat Meowing Loudly and Is Being Clingy?
Some cats are naturally clingy and vocal due to their personality. If your cat has a different case, then it’s feeling stressed and anxious. A loud sound may have scared your cat or a drastic change that has altered its feelings of comfort and security in the house.
With behavioral changes such as excessive vocalization, clinginess, restlessness, aggression, urinating outside the litterbox, and a decrease in appetite, your cat could be going through Cat Anxiety. This is triggered by trauma, health problems, and drastic changes.
Why Does My Cat’s Meows Sound Different?
Cats change the pitch and volume of their voice depending on what they want to communicate and how urgent it is to them. If you notice that your cat’s voice became noticeably hoarse, it’s a sign of laryngitis or inflammation in the cat’s voice box.
Symptoms of laryngitis are difficulty swallowing and silent or hoarse meowing and purring. Dr. Pete Wedderburn explains that causes of this change include excessive meowing, infections, and irritants to the airway.
As worrying as this sounds to you, don’t stress yourself from overthinking. If your cat’s appetite and energy levels are unchanged, the voice will likely return to its normal pitch within two weeks. If other symptoms continue to develop and your cat isn’t recovering, checking in with your veterinarian is the first step to finding out what’s happening.
Read: The Meaning Behind Your Cat’s Licking Behavior
Cats meow a lot for a reason, either for food, attention, or something else. You can discipline a cat for meowing by not giving in to what it wants you to do. To prevent this from happening, make sure you’ve provided the food, water, and playtime needed to keep your cat satisfied.