Helping Guide Bengal Cat Owners

Which Human Foods Are Safe for Bengal Cats to Eat?

Since Bengals are naturally curious, it is very likely for them to stumble upon things that may potentially harm them. As a cat parent, you should know which human foods are safe and unsafe for your Bengal, so I compiled a list of safe foods that you can feed to your feline.

Which human foods are safe for Bengal cats to eat?

There are many human foods that your Bengal can eat, such as raw and cooked meat, whole grains, avocadoes, unseasoned canned pumpkin, vegetables, butter, eggs, and sugar (but not too much), cooked shrimps, blueberries, bananas, broccoli, and yogurt.

  • Meat

Both raw and cooked meat is safe for Bengals to eat since it’s a part of their normal diet and is actually needed for them to stay healthy. Their body is specifically designed to consume it.

Keep in mind, though, that cats can suffer from Vitamin A toxicity if they have too much liver. So, make sure to provide your Bengal a varied meat diet.

  • Whole grains

Oats have a lot of protein, which can be good for your Bengal cat since protein is a very important part of any feline’s diet. Many cats even like corn and polenta, which is a coarsely ground cornmeal. 

You may even give them brown rice or smaller grains like millet or couscous. Just make sure any grain you allow your Bengal to eat is properly cooked so they can fully digest it.

  • Avocados

Avocados are safe for Bengal cats to eat and are a good source of protein and healthy fat, as long as you make sure to peel off the skin. They are rich in vitamins A, C, E and B6 – all of which contribute to a healthy coat and skin for your Bengal cat.

  • Unseasoned canned pumpkin

In small amounts, unseasoned canned pumpkin can help if your Bengal cat ever has digestive problems, stomach upset, diarrhea or constipation.

  • Veggies

Cats are carnivores, and meat is an essential part of their diet, but vegetables are also safe for them to eat in small amounts as occasional treats.

Safe veggies are:

  • Squash
  • Peas
  • Cucumber
  • Cooked or steamed carrots
  • Cooked or steamed broccoli
  • Cooked or steamed asparagus
  • Cooked or steamed green beans

You’ll notice that a lot of these veggies are listed on your cat food. That’s because they provide essential nutrients that your cat needs along with the vitamins from meat.

  • Butter

Bengals love butter! They would do anything for just a little bit of that salty, fatty goodness! 

However, too much butter can lead to an upset tummy or diarrhea, so you have to make sure to keep the butter dish covered!

  • Eggs

While feeding your cat raw eggs could potentially kill them, scrambled and boiled eggs are actually a good source of protein for cats. If you decide to feed your cat eggs, make sure not to season them as too much salt is harmful. 

Also, cats have very sensitive mouths, so make sure the eggs are completely cool before serving your Bengal.

  • Sugar in moderation

While most cat breeds dislike the taste of sugar, Bengals actually enjoy it as they are known for their sweet tooths! Some of the foods they like are muffins, cupcakes, doughnuts, cake, frosting, and whipped cream!

Let’s be clear, do not feed your cat sugar on a daily basis! However, if your cat breaks into your pastries, don’t be too concerned as it might only give them an upset tummy.

Can Bengal cats eat shrimp?

Yes, shrimps are safe for cats, containing a great amount of protein, and a few amounts of phosphorus, copper, zinc, etc.

You can feed it to them raw, but certainly not recommended as it might be carrying toxins such as the bacterium Vibrio

HealthyPaws shares a few tips for you:

  • Feed in moderation, as a snack and not meal replacement.
  • Don’t cook it with spices, oils, and salt. Wash it, then cook it boiled or steamed.
  • Remove the head, tail, and shell, and only feed the meat to your cat.

Can Bengals eat blueberries?

Yes, it’s actually good for them, but never too much! Blueberries have antioxidants (such as vitamins K and C) that are also added into some pet foods to reduce damage against cells.

Fiber, too, is present in blueberries, a good aid for your cat’s digestive tract. PetMeds, a verified pet pharmacy, gives this a stamp of approval, but they clarify that it’s not a must in a feline’s diet and should not be a substitute for a full meal.

Are bananas good for cats?

It’s good, but it’s not great. Bananas are filled with fiber, vitamins, and minerals that can benefit your cat, and yet it should not be given in excess.

Give it as a treat. Take a small slice, not half of the whole, and that should be enough.

Can cats eat broccoli?

Yes, broccoli is a good snack for cats as it has antioxidants that are beneficial for your feline. Give it to them in moderation

Anything more than that can induce vomiting. Cats do not have the same enzymes as we do in our digestive tracts to break down honey.

Is yogurt good for cats?

Yogurt is safe for felines, as long as it is plain and unsweetened. It can boost their immune system, reduce allergies, supply potassium, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin a to their diet.

Can my cat eat oats? 

They can, and only in small quantities. 

Oats have iron, zinc, and manganese that benefit your cat’s bones, skin, and fur. Mix it with water instead of milk just in case your Bengal is lactose intolerant.

Doctor Randy Kidd, a holistic veterinarian, says that you can grow oats indoors. Purchase organic seeds, put them shallowly in a pot, and provide water and sunlight; they’ll grow like grass for your cat to nibble on.

Can cats eat bread?

Bread offers no nutritional benefit to your cat’s diet, but they can eat bread occasionally. Feed them plain bread, preferably, because the presence of yeast in some breads are not healthy for your cat.

Yeast from dough rises once in the stomach and accumulates gas, leading to uncomfortable digestive pain for your pet.

What fruits are toxic to cats?

Foods that can be unsafe for your feline are chocolate, coffee, and tea, milk and cheese, tuna, walnuts, grapes, raisins, garlics, onions, mushrooms, honey, peanut butter, and citrus fruits.

Take note that all foods can be classified as unsafe if a Bengal is given too much. Cats have difficulty digesting carbohydrates, so while a treat every once in a while is fine, make sure to only give them a bit.

  • Chocolate, coffee, and tea

These contain stimulants that can cause serious cardiovascular and respiratory problems for your Bengal cat.

  • Milk and cheese

Cats’ digestive tracts are unable to properly break down milk and dairy products, which is why most cats are lactose intolerant. This may cause constipation, vomiting and diarrhea.

  • Tuna

Surprisingly, tuna can be dangerous to cats. In excess, tuna can cause steatitis, which is a painful inflammatory condition that results from high amounts of unsaturated fatty acids and low amounts of Vitamin E. 

Cats with steatitis will have a dull and greasy coat as well as flaky skin.

  • Walnuts

Because of its high phosphorus content, walnuts are toxic to cats in general.

  • Grapes and raisins

Grapes and raisins can be extremely dangerous to cats, even in small amounts. It can cause sudden kidney failure. 

After ingestion, the cat may exhibit any of the following within 24 hours:

  • Lethargy
  • Lack of appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Decreased urination

If they do, rush them immediately to the nearest veterinary clinic.

  • Garlic, onions and mushrooms

Never feed your Bengal cat garlic, onions or mushrooms because they will not be able to digest them.

Is honey good for cats?

Honey is not great for cats in the long term. An article from BetterPet, fact-checked by Dr. Erica Irish, states that the risks outweigh the benefits, as honey can lead to stomach aches and weight gain. 

Cats can’t taste the sweetness of food. If you want to give them honey anyway, let them have a small amount, and don’t do it daily.

Can cats eat peanut butter?

They should not eat peanut butter. Although the bad effect doesn’t show up immediately, The Rescue Vets warn us that it can cause:

  • Choking. Peanut butter is dense, which can be hard to swallow.
  • Allergies. Symptoms include ear infections and an itchy skin, but it can be different to individual cats.
  • Gastrointestinal issues. Vomiting, stomach pains, and diarrhea are clinical signs of this.
  • Poisoning. Some peanut butter brands use xylitol (notably Go Nuts Co., Krush Nutrition, Nuts ‘N More, P28 Foods, and Protein Plus PB); this chemical compound is found in plants and are used as substitute over sugar.

Xylitol is toxic to both cats and dogs. It is a naturally occurring alcohol that triggers insulin release and low blood sugar that can result to bad consequences in cats.

Are citrus fruits safe for cats?

Citrus fruits of any kind are toxic to felines. They have psoralens and essential oils, inducing vomiting, diarrhea, depression, etc. 

Stay away from mandarin, pomelo, orange, tangerine, lemon, and lime, to name a few.

Final Thoughts

Knowing which human foods are safe for your Bengal cats to eat will help you to easily steer clear of foods that may cause them harm. 

It’ll also be easier for you to assess what you need to do next in situations where your Bengal accidentally ingests food that are dangerous for them and you’ll know when to take them to the vet. As a cat owner, you should keep in mind these foods that are essential in order to take proper care of a cat breed that’s extremely curious and interested in human life.

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