Of course, you would want your cat to be as calm as possible after going through surgery. Unfortunately, there are kitties that can go crazy during the recovery period.
Some cats won’t calm down after spay because of their body’s reaction to anesthesia. If your kitty is hyper after neutering, you would have to try to calm the animal down as physical activity should be kept to a minimum for around 7-10 days.
Why Cat Won’t Calm Down After Spay?
A typical feline reaction to being spayed is a day or two of diminished appetite and quiet behavior. The most common recovery signs include:
- Walking more slowly
- Sleeping more
- Eating less
- Being less active
- A ‘zoned-out’ appearance
However, some cats can actually become quite the opposite during the recovery period. The kitties will be incredibly active, and that is not great as the pet is still a bit disoriented and the stitches are still fresh.
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Why Won’t My Cat Lay Down After Being Spayed?
There are a few reasons why your cat might not want to rest after the operation.
Some kitties will simply be very happy that they are home and the whole process is finally over. Others might not be affected by the medications as much and will simply come back to their normal behavior.
There are also cases when a kitty can have a strange reaction to anesthesia. Instead of becoming relaxed and wanting to sleep, the little guy would be restless and sometimes even aggressive.
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Why Is My Cat So Active After Surgery?
When it comes to spaying a cat, the after-effects won’t really be surgery-related. The behavior and health of the cat will mainly depend on the medication that has been used (and how its body reacts to it).
Of course, every single cat won’t have the same reaction to one medication, so you might be the ‘lucky’ owner who would have to deal with a hyper cat after surgery.
Why Is My Cat Crazy After Anesthesia?
Strange behavior after surgery can be a side-effect of anesthesia. In fact, the kitty can even experience minor personality changes.
For example, the little guy might become super active, aggressive, or grouchy. All in all, the cat should come back to its normal self in about 24-48 hours.
Even though ‘going crazy’ after anesthesia is a relatively normal reaction, you would have to restrict any physical activity and make sure that your precious cat is getting enough rest.
Cat Playful After Neutering
If the kitty wants to play right after the surgery, you should not encourage such behavior. Try and keep the little guy as calm as possible.
When it comes to personality changes well after the surgery, it has been proven that kitties can actually become a bit more playful after being spayed. That is because the fluffy balls won’t be affected by all the hormones which might have made them more aggressive during certain periods.
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Do Cats Get Aggressive After Being Spayed?
The cat might be aggressive right after the surgery simply because it’s one of the side effects of anesthesia in some cats.
Of course, the cat is going to feel vulnerable after the surgery. It would become a lot easier to scare the fluffy ball, so aggressive behavior might be exhibited out of fear.
Finally, you should remember that cats can become more aggressive if they are in pain. Pay attention to the kitty’s body language, and if you notice that there are other indications of pain (like vocalizations, for example), then you might want to take a trip to the vet.
Why Does My Cat Act Like She’s In Heat After Being Spayed?
If the cat is showing signs of heat, then the chances are high that there is still ovarian tissue left inside its body that is producing estrogen.
This is called ‘ovarian remnant syndrome’. Such a condition can occur, if the remnants have been left behind during surgery or if the kitty has additional ovarian tissue in the body.
In any case, the syndrome is treated by surgically removing the remaining tissue.
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How Long Does It Take for a Cat to Calm Down After Spaying?
The cat should be kept calm for around 10-14 days after surgery. If the cat is feeling active right after the surgery, you would have to do everything you can to restrict physical activity.
Right after the procedure, the cat can experience crankiness and aggression due to anesthesia, but that should last for over 48 hours.
When Will My Cat Calm Down After Being Neutered?
If one of the reasons why you decided to neuter the cat was to calm the little guy down, then you might see the first results in about 6-8 weeks.
Neutered cats do not have the drive to mate, they are not prone to cat calls and don’t feel a need to seek out a mate – that’s why such kitties are considered to be calmer and quieter.
How Long Does It Take for a Cat to Become Normal After Anesthesia?
If your pet is experiencing minor personality changes right after the surgery, there is nothing to worry about. Your pet will be back to its normal self in around 24-48 hours.
Do Female Cats Mellow Out After Being Spayed?
During heat cycles, cats can be extremely vocal and active. If the kitty has been spayed, then it will never go into heat ever again, so you’ll be left with a slightly more relaxed and mellower cat.
How Long Does It Take for Hormones to Balance After Spaying?
As the parts of the reproductive system that are responsible for the production of sex hormones are removed during spaying, your cat will no longer have these hormonal cycles. However, the change will not happen immediately after the surgery.
It typically takes around 6-8 weeks for hormones to balance after the procedure.
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Neutered Cat Aftercare
There are a few important things that you should remember:
- The kitty must stay indoors for the first 10 days after the surgery
- Physical activity should be kept to a minimum for 7-10 days
- The incision has to stay dry for 10 days
- If you see the cat licking the incision site, then you would have to get a cone
How Can I Calm My Cat Down After Being Spayed?
To keep the kitty calm after surgery, keep it in a cat-proofed room for the first few days.
Make sure that the room has nothing that can make the cat more excited (like toys, high furniture, or other pets). Ideally, you would want to stay in the room together with your pet to keep it calm and to express your love and support.
How to Keep Kitten Calm After Spay?
Your vet might prescribe a special medication to keep the kitty calm. You might also want to consider getting a cat calmer (a diffuser that emits a relaxing aroma).
If nothing seems to be helping, then you may have to place the kitty in the crate to keep it safe.
What Should I Watch After My Cat Is Spayed?
You would have to monitor the kitty’s surgery site a few times per day for the next 10 days. If you notice any signs of infection (bleeding, redness, discharge, swelling), immediately call your vet.
Does Spaying Change Personality Cat?
Spaying can reduce unwanted behavior in cats as they will no longer go through heat cycles. However, the kitty’s personality will generally remain unchanged.