Helping Guide Bengal Cat Owners

Do Bengal Cats Have Behavioral Issues?

Many humans, after getting a Bengal, complain about behavioral issues such as improper elimination, harsh play, scratching, biting, and destroying household furniture. These actions lead many owners scratching their heads and asking, “Do Bengal cats have behavioral issues?

The short answer is yes, Bengal cats do have some behavioral issues, as do most pets. However, Bengal cats are smart felines and can be trained to be their best selves.

What is the behavior of a Bengal cat?

Bengal cats are packed with high energy that keeps them active. They do not rest easily until they exhaust themselves.

They are the four-legged hawks in the house, observing their owners as they are seated above furniture.

This curiosity goes hand in hand with playfulness, so you might hear a few thuds in the kitchen or the living room. To make sure they don’t entertain themselves with the wrong items, invest in toys.

Puzzle toys are great for Bengal cats to stimulate their ever-hungry minds. You’ll need to invest in interactive cat toys that will challenge your Bengal’s mind and body.

Games that mimic hunting – like GoCat Da Bird and laser toys – are the best choices because they’re mentally and physically stimulating. If they get bored easily, make sure to leave cat treat dispensers.

Food is always a great motivator for Bengal cats and there’s no better way to take advantage of that than using a toy that dispenses delicious cat treats to keep them occupied. You can find the best interactive cat puzzle toy available on the market today right here.

What are the three most common behavioral problems in Bengal cats?

The most commonly observed behavioral problems in Bengal cats are soiling the house (urinating and defecating anywhere), aggression (biting and scratching), and loud meowing

The most complained about, as you know it, is that Bengal cats pee and poop anywhere in the house. Because they might be insecure in their territory, they mark it with urine and overdo it sometimes.  

The second problem is their aggression – sudden biting or scratching. One reason is that your feline wants something, most likely due to boredom and you’re just the unfortunate victim they locked their eyes on. 

And the third most common problem is just how loud they can get. It’s simply because they’re vocalizing something to you, whether it be hunger, thirst, or boredom.

If you really want to minimize the manifestation of these problems, you have to put work into it. Make sure to provide all of their needs.

Know how to meet the breed’s physical and mental demands by researching. You can do this by getting another pet for your Bengal to play with.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be a cat or another Bengal. In fact, they do really well with dogs who share their physical and mental demands.

Why does my Bengal cat keep attacking me?

I stated a few reasons why in the question, What are the three most common behavioral problems in Bengal cats?

They might want something because of boredom, thirst, or hunger, but if you have provided all of these and the Bengal is still attacking you, it could be play aggression.

Play aggression happens when the cat performs predatory behaviors towards you in the form of play. Behaviors of this include pouncing, scratching, biting, ambushing – any form of identifiable attacking.

Not to worry! There’s a solution to every problem.

Play aggression can be minimized or eliminated with the use of interactive play. This can be cat toys like wands and things that can be chased to direct the Bengal’s predatory behavior towards something else.

For a more specific guide, click here to read more about their biting behavior and how to stop it.

Why do Bengal cats pee everywhere?

So I have mentioned one of the reasons why Bengals lay waste in the house. Anything that smells new or foreign triggers an urge for them to claim such property.

One common example is when your Bengal cat is new to your place. The great feline smells your scent in the air mixed with others, but it is not familiar with any of it, so it finds a suitable spot and pees.

Another is when there’s an animal in the house, be it a pet or a stray coming in for a tour. 

If not, the Bengal cat may simply need to be trained or it could be a health-related concern. If your feline is trained to pee in the litter and starts urinating outside of the box, and there’s a number of reasons you are worried, pay the vet a visit.

This behavior might signal something going on inside your pet that you can’t figure out by mere observation. Days of putting your Bengal cat under scrutiny while it’s possibly ill is just awaiting the worse to come.

The vet might look out for kidney issues, urinary tract infection, diabetes, bladder infection, or other possibilities. Give your account of the events too in narrowing down what’s going on with your furry friend.

For more information about training or retraining your Bengal cat, read it here.

Why is my Bengal cat so vocal?

As with any animal with needs, they’re trying to tell you something. In the question What are the three most common behavioral problems in Bengal cats?, I listed reasons regarding their mind and bodily needs.

It can also be a sign that your Bengal cat is comfortable with you. Your feline can be happy and be loud, and it can be hungry and be as loud (maybe twice as much).

Bengal Cat meowing

The usual reasons your cat is so vocal include hunger, thirst, and boredom. Your Bengal cat can also be expressing good feelings (friendliness, or affection), or it wants your attention.

As an owner, you have a unique experience in taking care of your furry friend, so you should know that it doesn’t use the same tone and pitch with each need it wants to communicate.

Observe when your Bengal starts vocalizing and why, and you should be able to handle it like a pro.

Do Bengal cats need special care?

Bengal cats are a hybrid of domesticated cats, so just like a typical house cat, they don’t require special care, but that doesn’t mean that you just provide them food and water and leave them be.

Think of dogs; they need their walks and playtime. It’s the same with Bengal cats.

You have to groom them, entertain them with mentally and  physically challenging toys, tailor their diets to their nutritional needs, correct behavioral problems as early as possible, and give them affection from time to time.

If you’ve been doing all of these things and still see no progress, you can talk with your veterinarian. If you’re a new owner, you’ll learn as you go!

Do Bengal cats get along with other cats?

So now that you know that they have some behavioral issues, you might be wondering if they might cause a problem with their fellow felines. Of course they get along with other cats!

Bengal cats are curious by nature. If they’re not playing with you, they’ll be amusing themselves with something else, so what better entertainment than a fur companion?

Contrary to belief that cats are solitary animals, Bengals are quite social. They do better with a comrade by their side.

But take note, Bengals are still territorial creatures like most four-legged pets. If other cats invade their territory, the Bengal is likely to attack and injure the trespasser.

If neighborhood cats roam your yard and your Bengal sees and smells them, it can breed unwanted territorialism and following that is aggression. 

Read: Do Cats and Foxes Get Along?

Are Bengal cats more aggressive?

Compared to a typical house cat, Bengals are not more aggressive. They are sweet animals that are sometimes said to be aggressive because of attacking their owners at times.

With proper training, that aggression can be nipped from the bud. But if it’s a real issue, there’s always a why.

It could be that your Bengal cat has play aggression (when their playful attacks tend to break skin), was abused or was not socialized enough, or there were sudden changes in the cat’s environment or routine.

Past abuse and sudden changes cause stress in a Bengal’s mental state, so you should be gentle in dealing with your feline friend while you’re finding a solution to make it easier for them.

As for play aggression and lack of socialization, there are fixes to these for the betterment of your dear Bengal cat.

Can you discipline a Bengal cat?

By discipline, you mean the use of punishment to correct bad behavior. You can try to discipline a Bengal cat, but it will not work.

They are not like children that can understand what discipline is as they grow. Bengal cats, in spite of their intelligence, do not have the capacity to associate punishment with their actions.

Bengals will understand it as a form of aggression, and so they will attack in return. It could make their behavior worse.

The better term for this is training. Research and read, and both of you will be rewarded.

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